Sunday, November 8, 2015

Orphan Sunday

What an emotional day at church!  We were privileged to hear Dr. Sherri McClurg (executive director of NHFC) tell her story...and she was followed by a call to action from Pastor Matt, who preached on James 1:27-"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."  Today felt much different than Orphan Sunday's in the had much more meaning.  We have narrowed it down to a few children we are praying over, seeking clarity and guidance as to who He would lead us to become mommy and daddy to. 

We are busy trying to figure out fundraisers and researching grants.  Look out really soon for links to online fundraisers, including t-shirts, coffee, Jamberry, Wholesale Boutique, 31, and Arbonne...lots of different Christmas gift ideas!  Also, look out for a date or two where Phil and I (and hopefully a few helpers) will watch your kiddos while you get some Christmas shopping done--just make a donation to our adoption fund!  While it is easy to get discouraged with the financial part of adoption, we are holding fast to our faith in Christ, knowing He will provide!  :)
